Mod name | Resurrection Card |
Runs on Warzone version | 5.32+ |
Pieces given to each player at the start | Customizable |
This mod adds a Resurrection Card to the game.
If you possess a whole card when your Commander dies, you are not eliminated, and you can play this card at the start of the following turn to resurrect your Commander to a territory of your choice.
You don't need to play the card until your Commander dies.
If you fail to play a card on the turn directly after your Commander dies, the mod will choose a territory to resurrect your Commander to.
= Mod Settings
- If the card is only usable when Commander dies (defaults to true).
- Number of pieces to divide the card into (defaults to 10, min 1, max 10).
- Minimum pieces awarded per turn (defaults to 1, min 1, max 10).
- Pieces given to each player at the start (defaults to 1, min 1, max 10).
- Card weight (defaults to 1, min 0.1, max 5).