Forced LD Card

This mod adds a new card: Forced LD Card. When it is played, it forces players to deploy their armies in the bonus that grants the income.

Games are turned into local deployment ones, so the map must not contain superbonuses or override the bonus values to make any overlapping bonuses worth 0. All income can be deployed anywhere, unless this card is played.

Due to mod API framework limitations, on the first turn, armies must be deployed in the way local deployment forces, instead of anywhere.

Game creators can configure these cards:

  • Number of pieces to divide the card into (defaults to 10, min 1, max 20)
  • Minimum pieces awarded per turn (defaults to 1, min 1, max 5)
  • Pieces given to each player at the start (defaults to 0, min 0, max 10)
  • Number of turns the card will last (defaults to 3, min 1, max 10)
  • Allow AIs to play cards (defaults to disabled)
  • Allow teammates to play cards on each other (defaults to disabled)

There is no absolute upper limit on the number fields. Higher values can be typed in rather than using the number scrollbar.

To play cards or view which cards are active, go to Game > Mod: Forced LD Card. Cards are played at the end of the turn.